A whole page of ABC puzzles is a great idea - I've been meaning to write some ABCs of my own for a long while. It's really not a million miles away from Sudoku, particularly if you consider the multiple gaps as a repeated digit Sudoku. So then you just have a variant where you either have the repeated element or the marked letter first in a row/column, in a broadly similar way to Outside Sudoku.
I know Dan at Clarity Media was very interested in how long it took to solve the Mosaic - we compared times already privately - so if anyone would like to post and say how long it took them then I'm sure he'd be fascinated to hear! There are quite a lot of 'tuning parameters' for difficulty, and this one apparently had a lot of unnecessary clues removed, making it harder than the average Conceptis version of the same, so it would be interesting to compare.
Fillomino is a great puzzle - puzzles two and particularly three in Sudoku Xtra issue 3 were pretty difficult, especially given their size. It's never achieved the success you'd expect of such a simple, effective, puzzle idea however - perhaps because once you get to a certain level of experience puzzles are mostly either too easy (since you know all the generally-used logic) or too hard (because essentially you have to experiment, or in other words guess!), with not much middle ground.