I'm delighted to announce that issue 9 of Sudoku Xtra is now out and available for download! The
pre-printed version from Lulu is your best choice if you want a pre-printed version, unless you're in the US in which case
the Amazon.com version is best (if you get free super-saver shipping with it).
Issue 9 is packed with a wider range of Japanese puzzles and Sudoku variants than any other magazine outside Japan. Can you believe a monthly magazine has 127 top-quality puzzles of over 50 different types on more than 60 pages?!
From this issue I’ve asked David Millar to take over as Community Puzzles section editor, and so this issue there are even more top-quality puzzle makers who have very kindly contributed their content to the magazine. Check out David’s editorial and the puzzles themselves from page 40 onwards - there are some truly stunning puzzles to behold! And solve, of course.
From the huge cover
PivotPix puzzle, through the bonus
Hashi puzzles, to the
Killer Calcudoku 'S' and
Samurai Odd Pairs puzzle, to the bulging community puzzles section featuring some truly innovative variants... there's just so much in this issue of Sudoku Xtra that I barely managed to fit it all in!
Available now from www.sudokuxtra.com/magazines.php
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2010 03:20PM by gareth.