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Issue 14 - Initial Thoughts!

Posted by Christine 
Issue 14 - Initial Thoughts!
April 10, 2011 10:07AM
Just to say I downloaded a copy of Issue 14 yesterday and it looks the best yet! I spent a very pleasant couple of hours yesterday afternoon sitting in my garden browsing through the pages and getting started on one or two of the puzzles. In fact I now have rather red arms due to too much concentration and no sun-cream. Fancy getting burnt in England in April!

Anyway, the first thing I had a go at was the first Heyawake. Thank you Gareth for providing an easier one! I'm pleased to say I managed this one without too much difficulty (hurray!) and am now ready to have a go at the second.

The cover Yajilin looks amazing - looking forward to the challenge of that one. I'm also looking forward to the Tapa puzzles - I've never had a go at those before so it will be interesting to see how I get on. All the usual favourites are in there - I never get fed up with the Consecutives, Odd Pair, Skyscrapers, all the Samurais, Killers, Calcudoku, Masyu, Slitherlink. In short, not much I don't do, my least favourites being Hitori, Hashi and the large grid sudokus.

The Community Section also looks amazing - thanks Dave! And to everyone who contributes - it's great to have such a large variety of puzzles to have a go at. I think it's a great idea of Grant's to provide easy. mediium and hard types of each of his puzzle types - in recognition of the fact that some of us need training up a bit in some of the puzzles.

Glad to see another of Nathan's labyrinths - please do print the 'irksome' one in the next issue Gareth!

Other highlights for me are the Skyscraper Zeros and the Frameless Sudoku - Maree's NumCross looks impressive - and rather challenging!

So, all in all, a satisfied customer! smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2011 10:09AM by Christine.
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