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Sudoku Xtra 24 available!

Posted by gareth 
Sudoku Xtra 24 available!
February 05, 2014 03:47PM
Sudoku Xtra 24 is... finally... ready! I'm sorry for the somewhat long delay, given that it's six months later than promised! But, hopefully, it's been worth the wait...

I've taken the opportunity to refresh the design a little, both in the magazine and on the website, and I've finally added the often-mentioned but never-present feature of being able to provide your email address to receive automatic notification of future issues. You can find this on the front page (scroll down a little) and on the list of magazines page. I know a few of you have been regularly checking for six months, and for that I apologise!

Sudoku Xtra 24 contains 130 logic puzzles of a wide range of types, centred around a varied selection of Sudoku variations, some new for this issue such as Mystery Integer Sudoku, Non-main Diagonal Sudoku and Two-grid Interconnected Sudoku, plus other variants such as Non-consecutive Sudoku, Kropki Sudoku, Little Killer, Odd/Even Sudoku, Killer Sudoku Zero and of course many more.

Other puzzle types include Hanjie, Calcudoku, Slitherlink, Hashi, Skyscraper and Battleships. Not only that, but there's also Futoshiki, Light Up, No Four in a Row, Dominoes, Slitherlink in terms of non-sudoku puzzles. If you're experienced with Light Up/Akari you might rather enjoy the challenge of these puzzles, which were last featured back in issue 6!

Available now for download from the magazines page, with the pre-printed book version now also available (links on the same page). Subscribers have also been emailed their copies.

In other news, I've also updated the list of Sudoku Xtra Specials books on this site to include the latest 16x16 and 25x25 titles, and I've also added to the list of my other sudoku variant books available via links on www.puzzlebooks.org.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2014 01:14AM by gareth.
Re: Sudoku Xtra 24 available!
December 30, 2020 01:08AM
Well, this was the last time I had the time available to create a Sudoku Xtra issue. If you've been waiting for the next issue, it's been a while hasn't it...
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Sudoku Xtra ©Gareth Moore 2009 - email gareth@sudokuxtra.com - get puzzles for your own publication