Hey everyone. I'm working on a new puzzle book project featuring a variety of puzzle types, including Area 51 (a combination of corral, slitherlink, masyu, and similar clue types). It's going to be called the Paranormal Puzzle Pack and will have a paranormal theme and a ton of brand new logic puzzles to solve.
If you're interested, I'm trying to fund the project via Kickstarter, and you can make a pledge/pre-order on the project page at:
To get the paper edition of the book, I'm requiring a minimum pledge of $8 for U.S. puzzlers, $13 for International puzzlers. About $5 of the U.S. cost ($10 International) goes to shipping, so if anyone is interested and finds a cheaper shipping method, by all means let me know and I'll work with you. There will also be a PDF edition available for a minimum pledge of $5 regardless of your location. Ultimately, though, you will only be charged if I'm able to reach my funding goal and produce the book; otherwise you will not be charged at all.
Please, if you're interested, take a look at my project page at
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/davmillar/paranormal-puzzle-pack-book and see what's on offer. There's also a video of me there to (hopefully) help persuade you, and each pledge and each time you share the project page with another puzzler helps me get a bit closer to my goal.
Thanks for reading!