Sudoku Xtra 8
is now available for download! Printed copies are
available from Lulu (recommended for most of the world) and also (recommended for US readers).
There's an 'S' theme for a few of the puzzles this month, as you can see on the cover:
This issue I'm very excited to welcome some brand new Community Puzzles section contributors -
Thomas Collyer, the two-time UK Times National Sudoku Champion; and
Grant Fikes, one of the most prolific authors of Japanese puzzles outside Japan itself - who have very kindly donated some fantastic puzzles to this issue. There are also some brilliant Slitherlink/Sudoku cross-over puzzles by David Millar of
The Griddle, and that's only half of the section described so far!
The rest of the magazine as always has some new variants and rearranged content in, including Killer Prime (Killer Sudoku with prime numbers...) and Skyscraper S (a twisted 6x6 Skyscraper variant!). At just £3.99/$5.99 for a download it's still incredible value even when compared to cheaper mags - with 116 puzzles that's less than 4p/6¢ a puzzle, and you'd have to average around 4 a day to get the whole issue complete in time for issue 9!
With over 50 different types of puzzle in issue 8,
what are you waiting for?!
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2010 01:51PM by gareth.