If you have already downloaded issue 12 of Sudoku Xtra you might like to re-download it in order to obtain the following corrections:
- a fixed Hitori puzzle on page 7 (the bottom-left puzzle had two solutions due to an unfortunate production error - please see this thread for details)
- clarified Chess Sum Sudoku instructions on page 43
- a different Killer Sudoku variant on page 16 (some readers felt the +1 variant was disappointingly trivial so I have replaced it with a new variant)
- the first small Labyrinth puzzle on page 50 had the clue 1 for the last column; this should have been 2 1
- clarified Tiger in the Woods instructions
- an updated final Haijo puzzle
I apologise for these issues and hope they did not cause too much frustration.
If you have a printed copy please email me (gareth@sudokuxtra.com) for a PDF of these changes.
Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2011 11:51AM by gareth.