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New magazines and books pages

Posted by gareth 
New magazines and books pages
April 12, 2011 11:42PM
I've just updated the website so that the Magazines and Books download pages are now much, much easier to browse and read. They're both database-driven which means it will be much easier for me to add new content (e.g. books!) to the site, and also it means I can automatically make new stuff appear on the front page (although I haven't done this yet). I'm also hoping to do some other automated stuff, such as highlight new content on the page itself and allow custom sorts - currently the newest publications appear at the top. I might make it auto-thumbnail issues too, and I've started on a comprehensive list of all puzzle content (just issue 14 shown so far, however).

Currently it defaults to UK pounds for the currency, but there is a drop-down box at the top-right of the page which lets you change it to US dollars. When I have time I will make it auto-detect where you are, but for now if you're in the US please accept my apologies for the extra clicking necessary!

If you spot anything not working (although I think I've tested it all) then please let me know! smiling smiley

I've also changed the subscription option from 12 issues to 6 issues, since I'm now producing Sudoku Xtra roughly bi-monthly. This also makes it cost half as much, on the plus side! smiling smiley Existing subscriptions are unaffected.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2011 11:44PM by gareth.
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