Issue 2 page 10 Samurai Killer Calcudoku Inequality
January 03, 2010 10:59AM
Another brilliant puzzle - I am really enjoying these large samurai puzzles Gareth. A good calcudoku is one of my favourites and the addition of the inequality signs gave just enough extra clues to be able to avoid a lot of the large multiplication sums!! thumbs up
Re: Issue 2 page 10 Samurai Killer Calcudoku Inequality
January 06, 2010 07:27PM
Well done, Christine. I'm still plucking away at this one. I usually struggle with Calcudoku but the inequality signs are being very helpful!
Re: Issue 2 page 10 Samurai Killer Calcudoku Inequality
January 20, 2010 04:29PM
I'm glad this unusual puzzle was a success! I will have something similar in issue 3, but I will have a slightly smaller Samurai layout this time. smiling smiley
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