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33 new Sudoku sets at Puzzlemix.com

Posted by gareth 
33 new Sudoku sets at Puzzlemix.com
April 23, 2013 03:14PM
I've just completed a new puzzle set system over at PuzzleMix that I've been working on for a while.

This new system makes it much easier to find and add sets of puzzles to your account, and there's now a much wider range of content.

Today I've made the new version of the site live and I've added 33 new sets of puzzles to go with it. All of these are sudoku-based sets, but I will be adding more over the coming weeks now that it's much easier for me to do so (one of the reasons for the new system was to make it easier to maintain).

What's more, you can now play one puzzle from each set for free - so you can preview the content in the set before you buy it.

On the PuzzleMix menu page you now see an animated browser showing all available puzzle sets, and if you click through you can see the list of available sets along with your shopping cart. You can add and remove sets from your cart and check out with a single click to Paypal, where a single transaction will buy all items. You also automatically get a 10% discount for multiple (3+) purchases in a single transaction.

Re: 33 new Sudoku sets at Puzzlemix.com
April 23, 2013 03:15PM
You can also jump straight to the list of sets available (Odd Pair Sudoku, Consecutive Sudoku, Sudoku XV, etc etc) by clicking here.

None of the puzzles have been published before - they're all brand new.
Re: 33 new Sudoku sets at Puzzlemix.com
May 31, 2013 12:56PM
I also added Skyscraper 5x5, 6x6 and 7x7 sets, as well as some other combinations I missed out on the first upload, such as Killer Sudoku-X.

These Skyscraper sets feature optimised clue sets, rather than the 'all possible clues present' approach I used to use for my Skyscraper puzzles.

All available for instant play on puzzlemix.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2013 12:57PM by gareth.
Re: 33 new Sudoku sets at Puzzlemix.com
December 02, 2014 05:29AM
I never played puzzles at PuzzleMix. So that I have no idea for it, but I am interested to play it. I will definitely play all 33 new puzzles and let you inform next time.
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