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FREE SHIPPING in the UK on Sudoku Xtra magazines and books!

Posted by gareth 
FREE SHIPPING in the UK on Sudoku Xtra magazines and books!
April 20, 2010 05:55PM
Great news if you're in the UK and want to get a printed copy of Sudoku Xtra magazine or one of the two specials.

Just click the 'Lulu' links on the magazine and book pages on the site, then enter code FREEMAILUK305 at the checkout to take £2.99 off the total - resulting in free shipping for a single item. You can only use the code once per account, but I doubt there's anything stopping you creating multiple accounts...

I'm quite sure there's a similar discount in the US at the moment too, and no doubt other countries - just set up an account with Lulu.com in your country and you should get their promotional emails.

Offer expires May 5th.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2010 05:56PM by gareth.
Re: FREE SHIPPING in the UK on Sudoku Xtra magazines and books!
May 04, 2010 07:24PM
Last day on this, so thought I'd push this to the top of the list again! smiling smiley

Issue 6 has been available on Lulu for over a week, and is on Amazon.com as of yesterday.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/04/2010 07:24PM by gareth.
issues of the Xtra books/mags are at bookdepository.com. FREE SHIPPING worldwide.
Re: FREE SHIPPING in the UK on Sudoku Xtra magazines and books!
June 13, 2010 09:12PM
Thanks for spotting that Jeff - it looks like this is actually the cheapest way to get hold of it in the UK now, at least for single purchases, due to the cost of postage and packaging on Lulu. It's also the Amazon.com version, which I slightly prefer because at 8"x10" dispenses with the slightly larger black bars of the Lulu version - but essentially both printed versions are otherwise identical (I think they use the same technology), just to be clear.

Anyway, I imagine there is around a 2 week delivery delay if you order outside the US, since it takes about 7 or 8 working days to get a copy from Amazon.com over to the UK.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2010 09:12PM by gareth.
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