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Classification of puzzle books

Posted by gareth 
Classification of puzzle books
May 08, 2010 02:06AM
Here's something that amused me. I'm used to seeing puzzle books put in odd places in bookstores, and in overly-broad categories on websites, but Amazon.ca's classification of The Rough Guide Book of Brain Training (which has over 500 of my puzzles of the types found in Sudoku Xtra in) is brilliant:


#17 in Books > Children's Books > Computers > Entertainment & Games

Just a few problems there... It's not a Children's book. It's also not a Children's book about Computers. And it's certainly not a Children's book about Computers that covers Entertainment & Games. Hmm....

The title and author info is wrong too, but that should be fixed I think.

The entries on Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com are much more accurate.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/08/2010 02:06AM by gareth.
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