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Some giant puzzles in issue 7

Posted by gareth 
Some giant puzzles in issue 7
May 24, 2010 06:04PM
I've made a couple of particularly large puzzles for issue 7. I've got a 20x30 Nurikabe and a 20x30 Yajilin, both of which are reasonably challenging and the latter of which will be on the cover. I've also made a pair of the same two puzzles which both use the same layout of the given clues, so that should be a pretty striking page in the magazine too.

Recently someone asked for another Killer-15 puzzle, so I might have something in that arena too. smiling smiley

Coming soon! smiling smiley
Re: Some giant puzzles in issue 7
May 25, 2010 08:51PM
Sounds great! thumbs up
Re: Some giant puzzles in issue 7
May 26, 2010 04:32PM
And now it's out! smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2010 04:32PM by gareth.
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Sudoku Xtra ©Gareth Moore 2009 - email gareth@sudokuxtra.com - get puzzles for your own publication