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19th World Puzzle Championship

Posted by davmillar 
19th World Puzzle Championship
October 22, 2010 01:01AM
For those who don't know, the 19th annual World Puzzle Championship takes place next week.

Just a couple of the many participants include community puzzle contributor Palmer Mebane (US) and the man behind Sudoku Xtra himself, Gareth (UK).

Best luck to both next week!
Re: 19th World Puzzle Championship
October 22, 2010 01:27AM
Thanks David! I've never been before, but it's fun to be representing the whole of the UK in the four-person team, just as Palmer is doing for the US too! I'll be very pleased if I finish in the top half, but we shall see. winking smiley

There may (or quite probably won't be) results on the website as it progresses: http://wpc2010.com/
Re: 19th World Puzzle Championship
October 22, 2010 01:33AM
Good luck! Flying a virtual flag for you, Gareth!
Re: 19th World Puzzle Championship
October 22, 2010 07:32AM
Yes, all the best to you Gareth and the rest of the UK team (the same goes to Palmer too although naturally my loyalties lie with the british team!). Don't forget to come back and tell us how it all went and a bit about the puzzles! smiling smiley
Re: 19th World Puzzle Championship
October 26, 2010 03:07PM
Hey everyone. Quick update - results are being posted at http://wpc2010.com/results for anyone interested.
Re: 19th World Puzzle Championship
October 27, 2010 08:38AM
Thanks for the link David! It seems congratulations are in order for the US team - no surprise to see Thomas Snyder at the top there but the rest of the US team in great positions too! Nice to see Gareth with the most points for the UK (so far) and let's see what today brings! I've been following Thomas's blog too (some of it a bit too technical for me) but it makes for interesting reading.
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