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Odd/even sudoku

Posted by Christine 
Odd/even sudoku
March 27, 2011 09:59AM
Just a query Gareth - I noticed on your Puzzlemix site you've added a collection of 100 odd/even sudoku puzzles. As these are one of my favourite puzzle types I wondered if there was any chance of making the collection into a pdf file to print off to sell on here perhaps? I'm not one for solving on screen - makes my eyes go funny gazing at it for long periods of time. Obviously I don't know how much work is involved, but thought there was no harm in asking!!! smiling smiley
Re: Odd/even sudoku
March 29, 2011 03:50PM
It's possible I've used the wrong name somewhere, but usually odd/even sudoku refers to a puzzle where odd/even squares are shaded to distinguish them - essentially two separate puzzles that overlap, if all such squares are marked. The puzzles I think you mean are Odd Pair Sudoku, with markers between certain squares. (I know you know this, but I'm just clarifying for anyone else reading!)

In any case, I could certainly do a PDF book. I know I've said that before about various types but I've recently started to catch up on all my coming soon promises... which as you noticed has included adding more types and more puzzles to puzzlemix. I've added skyscraper, 16x16 sudoku, 7x7 jigsaw, killer sudoku 8x8 and all sorts of unusual arrangements usually reserved for the pages of Sudoku Xtra. winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/2011 03:50PM by gareth.
Re: Odd/even sudoku
March 29, 2011 08:04PM
My mistake entirely - I did mean Odd Pair sudoku and I would definitely love a pdf file if ever you find the time amongst your many projects!

I've noticed the wider variety of puzzles over at Puzzlemix which is great although personally I tend just to do the quick, easier ones because I much prefer to scrawl my pencil marks over paper rather than gaze at the screen for puzzles that are going to take me quite some time. At one point I was able to print off some of the puzzles but this doesn't seem to be possible now unless I am missing something. At any rate, it's great to see more puzzle types over there.
Re: Odd/even sudoku
March 30, 2011 01:42AM
I did my first Odd Pair puzzles in issue 13 and found them rather addictive. I've since gone back over earlier issues for others that I've missed. You have my vote for a PDF!
Re: Odd/even sudoku
March 30, 2011 05:58PM
I agree! Really enjoy these puzzles.

Also, Gareth, if you are reading this, I haven't renewed sub yet as was waiting for issue 14 to appear. It looked as tho I would get a repeat of 13 but I probably misread the renewal reminder email! I hope I will still be notified of arrival of Issue 14 despite not renewing yet.

Xtra is still the best out there imo ...... well, there might be others by now but am too busy with Xtra each month to bother to look!

Good to see a few new people on here too recently..... Sue
Re: Odd/even sudoku
April 01, 2011 11:18AM
Hi Sue,
I do all the subscriptions manually so you're perfectly safe renewing at any issue number and just emailing me to say what number you'd like it to start from (I'd probably work it out anyway), but this site is definitely overdue an update to the ordering/subscribing process! Yes, I'll email you when issue 14 is out - it's actually almost complete, but I just haven't quite got round to finishing it. All my puzzles are printed out and tested and corrected where necessary, and I think I have all of the community content from David, so it's nearly there!

Re: Odd/even sudoku
April 02, 2011 11:48AM
Thanks Gareth - will renew now then............. Glad to hear Issue 14 on the way. Summers coming.... lazy afternoons on balcony with ipod and Xtra.

Perfect. Thank you

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Sudoku Xtra ©Gareth Moore 2009 - email gareth@sudokuxtra.com - get puzzles for your own publication