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Amazon Versions?

Posted by Carl 
Amazon Versions?
June 14, 2011 05:00PM
Are there plans for magazine versions of issues 13-15 to be made available on Amazon.com? Is there a timeline for publication?

Re: Amazon Versions?
June 14, 2011 09:09PM
Very good question. Sorry for the big delay on these - I've actually already submitted issue 13 to Amazon (I did it this afternoon!) and issue 14 is uploading now, then afterwards I'll upload issue 15 too. I just have to wait for them to be approved, which sometimes takes one or two attempts (sometimes they object to me mentioning Amazon in the text), but once approved they should appear on Amazon.com soon. Usually the magazine is available for order within a few days, but the picture and descriptive text can take a week or more to appear, and then a couple of weeks more for the 'Click Inside' preview feature to activate.

I'm also uploading the Lulu versions today - these will all be online in about 2-3 hours time.

Thanks very much for everyone's patience, and apologies to those of you who've emailed asking this question too!
Re: Amazon Versions?
June 14, 2011 09:46PM
Great news about the Lulu versions - I thought they'd stopped coming! I'm just printing off Issue 15 as I speak to peruse through in a few minutes with a nice glass of wine! Decisions, decisions - what to attempt first! It's great to have the pdf files as soon as they come out but there's nothing like having a hard copy as well! I've got all the issues saved up and am always going back to previous editions to see if there is something I can do now that I couldn't then. Some great puzzles again this month - will let you know how I get on with the Ultimazums in due course!
Re: Amazon Versions?
June 14, 2011 10:19PM
Good luck with the choice! The Slitherlinks are perhaps a little easier this month, except maybe for the first which is a little tricky, so if you like those they might be a good place to start. Alternatively the top Tapa is a relatively gentle introduction, or if you fancy something a bit meatier then the cover Masyu should take a while without having any really hard bits.

Issues 13 and 14 are now available on Lulu, and issue 15 will be online in the next 15 minutes or so!
Re: Amazon Versions?
June 14, 2011 10:28PM
And done. smiling smiley All issues are now available on Lulu, and have been uploaded to Amazon so will appear on Amazon.com in the next week or so.
Re: Amazon Versions?
June 16, 2011 06:47PM
Awsome! Thanks for the update. I've got an Amazon gift card balance that is burning a hole in my virtual pocket.
Re: Amazon Versions?
June 17, 2011 02:33PM
And they're now all available - that was pretty quick of Amazon! smiling smiley The descriptions aren't there yet but the pictures and ability to order for immediate dispatch are.

You can find them on Amazon directly or via the links on the magazines page.

I know what you mean about Amazon gift certificates - I have a load of UK ones from topcashback I'm waiting to use.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2011 04:25PM by gareth.
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