I used to get Beyond Sudoku but stopped a while back, as I had a vast pile of puzzle magazines. I fondly called it "The Leaning Tower of Puzzles". I don't recall Star Battles, so might have to have a peek next time I'm in Smiths! Also missing Xtra, but the various 200 and 101 books are keeping me well occupied, alongside my everlasting love, Hanjie!by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
A little late, I know! Gareth, thanks for the new books, Kropki 2 and 200 Conservative and the 3D Jumbo Sudoku. May 2015 bring you continued success and more books for us ever thirsty addicts! Sue, Christine, I hope you're both well. Best for 2015!by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Well, now, I have to say I like the 2-away as well! Actually, I like all the consecutive type variants, so if there isn't a great demand for 100 2-away, maybe we could have a mixed book of Non-Consecutive, 2-away, 3-away, etc, Differences, Consecutive XV. Maybe a mixed book of Extra Regions, one day? My own personal favourite in the Mammoth book were the Sudoku Centres. Also, one day inby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Hi Sue. I hope you are settling in to your new home and enjoying retirement! Whereabouts up North have you moved to? I'm nowhere near completing the inequalities book. I put the book away for a while to do some of the other puzzle books, then went into a long Hanjie phase. I'm up to puzzle 110 with the inequalities and reckon this book will last me until Easter next year!! That wouldn't stby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Well, I have finally arrived at the half-way mark, having completed the first 100 puzzles. Still another 100 to go and considering I started in December, this is great value for money! Christine, I've marked some easy ones for you, when you are ready. I think we were up to 68 last time, so from 68 to 100 easy ones for me were: 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 76, 77, 84 (very easy), 89, 92, 94, 95, 96by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Popping in to say thank you, Gareth, for volume 2 of Samurai 13-grid Sudoku. Puzzlebooks.org is a very helpful link. Have now bookmarked this for regular visits! Take care Marilynby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
I'd forgotten about Odd Pair as well. That was a nice puzzle. Sue, thanks for your help on 62. I think I see what you mean with column 4. If I've got it right (which I'll find out over the weekend) there's only 3 cells that can be either 8, 7 or 6, so eliminate the other possibilities from those cells, and there's only one place for the 5! I finished 64. I'd got about 3/4 of it done beby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Well done on finishing 14, Sue. I seem to be the opposite, where I managed to finish the earlier ones, but have hit a bunch of toughies between 45-68. I'm currently on 68. Looking back, I see that I abandoned 62 & 64 - not like me to abandon, but I must have been desperate to move on to a fresh puzzle! Must try those ones again before I get too far ahead. Christine, some easy ones forby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Hi Christine I'm glad you are still cracking on with the inequalities, as tough as they can be. Don't give up! It doesn't matter how long a puzzle takes, or if you put aside the book for a while and pick it up another time, just think of that glow of satisfaction when one gets finished! I must admit, I do like easier puzzles now and again. It's a bit like putting weary feet into fluffy slby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Sue, must agree with you on those new book ideas, pretty please, Gareth! Sue, it really urked me that I made a dog's dinner of puzzle 44 and put a cross through it. My first thought was to order a second copy of the book immediately! I was going to order another copy when I finished this book, anyway, assuming a book 2 doesn't emerge, but I can't be having puzzles crossed out. No, no, no, noby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
My busy work period has not transpired yet, so still puzzling and about to start page 13. Christine, of the latest batch (33-44), easy ones I've marked are 38, 39, 40, 41 and 43. The others were toughish, with 33 being quite hard. I made a complete dogs dinner of 44. Sue, I wish the compulsion to do inequalities could be explained. I haven't done any puzzles in Xtra 22 yet. I really wanby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
6 puzzles in one evening! Wow, that is some achievement, Sue! Have you cracked 14 yet? Christine, congratulations on your successes. Sounds like you've found your mojo! I'm enjoying using the minimum value method. I've found it's helping to cure my habit of leaving stragglers. I'm not 100% yet, but getting there! I'm not too good at spotting X-wings unless they are at the beginning.by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Well done, Sue! I'm doing a happy dance with 21 solved, as well! I started just with the 1s to get a look at the x-wing, then put in the minimum values to get a feel of working a puzzle that way. I really like that method as it's a lot tidier. Christine, you will keep going back to the inequalities, oh yes! One minute you're happily doing puzzles from all the other books, then suddenlyby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Many thanks for your input, Gareth! I've not thought of putting in the minimum values for each cell, either. I am quite excited about trying a new method and will retackle 21 tomorrow. I rarely think of the more advanced techniques, so this'll be great for practicing an X-wing! Sue, Christine, I hope you get to finish gaps now and progress further.by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Yes, inequalities are most deserving of its own thread! Thanks for starting it, Sue! Christine, I shall make a note of easier ones for you. Thinking back, I remember 1, 5, 12 & 14 being particularly tough. Of the earlier puzzles, I do remember saying "that was a nice one" a few times. I think 6 & 7, 10? I'm currently up to 29, so between 20-29, 20, 23 & 24 were the eaby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Hi Christine. Well done on what you have completed. If you haven't already done so, try puzzles 23 and 24. So far, these turned out to be the easiest for me, with minimal pencil markings needed! 20 was a good one, as well. As a clue for 23, work down from the 9s. Sue, you've done brilliantly with how far you've got, so enjoy your rest. I wish I could tell you how I cracked 14. I remembeby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
I, too, hope the books are selling well. It's quite interesting, when doing a review, that you can add links to other stuff in the review. Of course, it needs people to read the review and follow the links to be of benefit, but it's a nice feature. Hi Sue. I'm now obsessed with the inequalities, too! I'm doggedly determined to finish one puzzle before starting another and so far that's workby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Absolutely! I did a review for XV and thought I had done one for Kropki, but looking back at Amazon there is no Kropki review! Must have been one of the other magazines! Will definitely do another one or two. Happy New Year!by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe festive time. Gareth, I hope you get some well-deserved rest. Thank you for all the wonderful puzzles!by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
You're going great guns, Sue, well done. The last time I did inequalities was back in the Sudoku Pro magazine. Since reading all the posts about the 200 book, I've gone from being alarmed, to curious, to trying some inequality puzzles from the Sudoku Extra magazine, to ordering the 200 book! I don't remember why I stopped doing them, but I find I'm enjoying them again! When the book arrived, Iby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Yes, it is great you started this thread, Christine. When I first started doing Kropki from the magazine I used to put in loads of possibilities until I couldn't make sense of anything, rub out all the pencil markings and start again! Certainly the tips, slowing down, and thinking a bit more are helping me get through puzzles now with minimum marking of possibilities, so far. I still need to wby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
A mix of consecutive and non-consecutive perhaps? Quad clues? Either here, or as a 200 book? 101 13-grid variants!!by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Hi Christine I'm pretty sure I'm missing some strategies as well and will watch this post closely! What I've worked out so far is: Where two black circles share a cell the possibilities can only be 2 & 4. Where black and white circles share a cell, 1 is elminiated and 9 (obviously) from that cell, although you might get the L-shape cross into another block where 1 could work. Yby Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
5 fat new books arrived today, Samurai, Arrow, Star, 13-grid, Outside. I had super fast delivery because I wanted to clutch the 13-grid book to my chest - a dream come true. I can't thank you enough for that one. The books are gorgeous, Gareth. Between these and the 200 series, I am well sorted for a long, long time. Of course, that won't stop me buying others!by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Be still beating heart - this is too wonderful for words!by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
It's been ages since I've done inequalities. Not sure I'm up to the challenge of that book yet if it gives you brainy people problems! I'm enjoying my new books, dipping a bit into each one. I can't get enough XV, but neither do I want to finish the book too quickly! Kropki and Arrow arrived today, so now there's 7 books. I feel drunk with pleasure!by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Those books sound wonderful, Gareth - a big thumbs up for them!by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Well, I wouldn't say 200 is far too many. I'm sitting here dreaming of a book of 200 13-grid puzzles! Pulling your leg, Gareth, before you choke! I'm happy either way - a mix or same type.by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Me too, both Kropki and Arrow. Thanks, Gareth, you're the Man!by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
I've just started issue 21 and jumped right into the Trio 13 grid. I'm loving this puzzle. Quite pretty to look at, with all those squares and circles. I'm finding it a pleasure to work on, a bit easier than other puzzles, hence less of a brain ache!by Marilyn - Sudoku Xtra Discussion Forum
Sudoku Xtra ©Gareth Moore 2009 - email gareth@sudokuxtra.com - get puzzles for your own publication