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Skyscrapers………..Any tips?

Skyscrapers………..Any tips?
July 08, 2014 03:18PM
I am struggling with the skyscraper puzzles, especially in Issue 24. Does anyone have any tips?
Re: Skyscrapers………..Any tips?
July 18, 2014 07:07PM
Now, I have worked out how they work at last! smiling smiley If there is any tips, please to give them out because it will help me with the SSSS puzzle on page 20 every issue. Skyscraper puzzles are challenging for me, but I don’t give up on them.
open | download - SSSS.png (26.6 KB)
open | download - SSS.jpg (7.1 KB)
Re: Skyscrapers………..Any tips?
July 18, 2014 07:10PM
The SSS is a regular Samurai Sudoku with skyscrapers. The SSSS is the one from any puzzle.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2015 07:17PM by Theawaysudokuscreator.
Re: Skyscrapers………..Any tips?
July 18, 2014 07:38PM
I have removed the regular skyscraper you posted because it was not one of mine and you said you didn't know where it came from - I don't want anyone to accuse me of hosting stolen puzzles on the site, so it had to go. You can, however, post one from the magazine if you wish to discuss it.
Re: Skyscrapers………..Any tips?
July 18, 2014 07:38PM
I can post one for you too if you have a particular one you want to discuss and don't know how to get it as a graphic.
Re: Skyscrapers………..Any tips?
August 16, 2014 05:18PM
Sorry gareth, for the regular skyscraper puzzle. I don’t mind being moved at all.
Re: Skyscrapers………..Any tips?
December 01, 2014 06:52AM
Yes, it is tough, but you need to find peropertips for this, you can get solutions from here:
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