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Posted by Marilyn 
March 30, 2010 06:15PM
This is a very enjoyable puzzle! I've only done the first two so far and have found them to be easier than Masyu and Yajilin. I like that the route is numerical, which has proved very helpful in plotting the loop's path. More of these in future issues, please?
Re: Suraromu
March 31, 2010 03:38PM
I'm glad you like them! I think they're brilliant fun too (the puzzle in general, I mean). They're certainly easier than other types as you say, although in fact they do have one flaw which is that you can usually use 'uniqueness' to solve them instead of the cleverer logic (hopefully) required to make them! So long as you deliberately avoid that tactic they're great! smiling smiley
Re: Suraromu
March 31, 2010 06:57PM
Definitely more straight forward than masyu and yajilin! I never thought I'd hear myself say this about a loop puzzle but I found these quite easy!! A good introduction to a new type of puzzle. I found that the single cell gates and the relatively large number of black cells meant that you could plot quite a large part of the loop before having to apply any logic. I am sure they could get harder, but a nice fun puzzle.
Re: Suraromu
June 25, 2010 11:27PM
I was delighted to see that Nikoli has a book of Suraromu puzzles. Waiting for that to arrive will keep a smile on my face even if England get knocked out of the World Cup!
Re: Suraromu
June 25, 2010 11:36PM
Yes, I've got that book - it's new this year! I was a bit disappointed because they're all pretty easy, but it's such a fun puzzle it's still enjoyable to do. I did find a couple of decent much larger ones in their latest 'Puzzle the Giants' book, however.
Re: Suraromu
July 16, 2010 07:58AM
Came across Suraromu in Nikoli 131 (I don't get every issue of Nikoli), and I loved it. I've sent off for the Suraromu book - can't wait for it to arrive.
Nurikabe is still my favourite though smiling smiley
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